Diabetes Fonds Fellowships
Through the Diabetes Fonds Fellowships, the Dutch Diabetes Research Foundation (DDRF) encourages promising scientists to accelerate their scientific career, or establish themselves, in the field of diabetes research.
For whom?
The Diabetes Fonds Fellowships welcome applications from researchers across all disciplines. Whether your background is in (bio)medical sciences, psychology, sociology, technology, or another field, we encourage you to apply. A Diabetes Fonds Fellowship helps you develop as a researcher in the diabetes field. It is a personal grant that allows you to take the next step in your career.
Applicants need to be affiliated to a university, academic centre, university of applied sciences, medical centre or non-profit research institute. Your research proposal should have a focus on diabetes.
Types of funding
The Diabetes Fonds Fellowships provide two types of funding:
Diabetes Fonds Junior Fellowships
Available for junior researchers who have the ambition to accelerate their career in diabetes research and do so in close collaboration with an established scientist.
In 2025 we aim to support two Diabetes Fonds Junior Fellowships with a maximum of € 300.000 each for a maximum of 4 years.
Diabetes Fonds Senior Fellowships
Available for senior researchers who have the ambition to further their career in diabetes research and are close to start, or have recently started, their own research group.
In 2025 we aim to support two Diabetes Fonds Senior Fellowships with a maximum of € 350.000 for a maximum of 4 years.
Instructions and details on the criteria and the procedure can be found in the program description.
To assess whether you are eligible for a Junior or Senior Diabetes Fonds Fellowship, please read the Fellowships Eligibility Criteria.
To apply for a Fellowship, it is mandatory to submit a Letter of Intent (LOI). This can be done by using either the Junior LOI form or the Senior LOI form. Please send an electronic version (Word-file) of your completed LOI form before Monday 10th of February 2025, 12:00 CET to: research@diabetesfonds.nl.
Applicants will be informed in the second half of April whether they can submit a Full Application. The deadline for the full application is: Wednesday 28th of May 2025, 12:00 CEST.
Online meeting – Fellowship orientation
It is highly recommended to join the online orientation meeting if you want to have more insight into the Diabetes Fonds Fellowships and the application procedure. During this meeting, the DDRF will explain the procedure in more detail, and provide attendants with tips and tricks for writing the proposal. Please confirm your presence by sending us an email at research@diabetesfonds.nl with the same address which we can use to send the Teams invitation to.
Date: Tuesday 14th of January 2025 @ 15.00-16.30 CET
Location: Microsoft Teams (you will receive a link)